Tomorrow I will be 23 weeks. We had an appointment on Monday, and because I have been having some more bleeding, I was put on pelvic rest. No lifting over 10 pounds and stay off my feet as much as possible (that's easy as a first grade teacher, right?). Luckily, my administrators are extremely supportive, so I'm not worried about returning to school. That makes it so much easier!! My mom was here Sunday - Tuesday and was a huge help with helping me get my room ready and doing some cooking and cleaning for us while she was here. I was sad to see her go! It's nice to remember that I'M still someone's baby too. :)
I have been feeling pretty good, and I've been taking it really easy which means a lot of the day to day things have fallen to Stan. He has been great about helping me get things done even though he has to work all day in the stifling heat and then come home to a t0-do list from his wife. He has also had the pleasure of seeing me go from happy and laughing to bawling my eyes out in 0.3 seconds. The baby has been kicking up a storm, and Stan got to finally feel the baby from the outside. It was the neatest thing. I'm glad that he can finally feel him although it is quite different from what I feel.
I am headed back to work on Tuesday, the students come on the 31st, and I start my grad class on September 1st. Oh how I will miss my naps!! We are heading to PA over Labor Day weekend. The original plan was for us to go to the PSU game with my mom and Bud, but the doctor said no - too much walking. So Stan and Bud are off to the PSU game, and my mom and I will be left to our own devices (shopping).
Our next appointment is not until September 17th, and if all goes well during that one, we will be flying to TN to see Stan's dad and stepmom on September 25 for Stan's 30th birthday. I am looking forward to seeing Nashville, but I'm not sure how much I'll get to see since I can't walk that much. I am very much looking forward to floating in their pool though!
Nursery update - My dad is heading down Monday to help us install new carpet in the baby's room! We will be picking up the changing table we found on my school's classified next weekend, and we will finally be able to set up the crib!! It's coming along, and there are already clothes EVERYWHERE!!
I cannot figure out how to make the scanned pictures larger, but I thought I would attach a pic of the baby's big gender reveal and of his profile (19 weeks 4 days). :)