Tuesday, November 24, 2009

No change

At my appt. on Monday, I was still the same - no change. My next appointment is next Wednesday. We talked about when I would be getting my next sonogram because my other doctor thought we should do another growth check before delivery. She said that the next time I would have one would be Dec. 7, but she thinks I'll be delivered before then. I'm trying not to get my hopes up thinking the baby will be here early. I'm very anxious to meet him!! I just pray that he comes in his own time when he is fully ready to be in the "real world."

I'm still having contractions every few minutes - just waiting for them to actually do something!! :)

Stay tuned!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Well that didn't take long!

I ended my last post with - I'll post again when something exciting happens. Apparently Baby Pierogie loves attention!! Friday morning I woke up bleeding and feeling a little uncomfortable, so I thought I'd play it safe and call the doctor. They got me in at 9:20 and checked on the bleeding. I was dilated 1cm! She asked if I had been having any contractions, and I said I didn't think so. They hooked me up to a NonStress Test to check on the baby's heartbeat and see if I had any contractions for 15 min. She came back in and told me that I was contracting every 1-2 minutes, and she was sending me to the hospital to get monitored at Labor and Delivery. So, off I went to get monitored some more.

I arrived at the hospital around 10:30 and got all set up in my room. Apparently Stan took a jet plane from work because he arrived shortly after I did (I was across the parking lot, and he was at work 45 min away). The doctor came in around noon and said he wanted to monitor me for an hour to see if the contractions were causing me to progress at all. I also found out that since I wasn't full term yet, they wouldn't be able to deliver me there if I DID go into active labor because the NICU beds were full, which scared me - I didn't want to be without my own doctors and in a strange place. So the waiting game started. My mom got nervous and thought she might miss something, so she drove down from Pittsburgh just in case, even though I assured her things were fine, and I would probably be sent home. (Thanks for your concern though, Mom. I always love to see you!!)

Dr. K. was in the OR and didn't come back until 6pm (so much for being monitored for just an hour)! When he checked me again, I was still 1cm, so I got to go home. I am supposed to go back if contractions get more intense, bleeding gets heavier or if my water breaks. I have still been contracting most of the weekend, but they aren't as close together, and they don't really hurt. I go in tomorrow (Monday) to get checked to make sure I haven't progressed. Dr. K. says I'm not going to make it to my due date, but of course he can't tell me when I WILL go into labor. Needless to say, the first thing Stan and I did when we got home was pack our bags! We'll be ready next time (or at least we'll have our deodorant and toothpaste). :)

So Baby P is on his way sooner than later. We are eager to meet him but hoping he stays in at least until next Saturday so he'll be full term! I am feverishly trying to write sub plans and finish my two grad papers "just in case." Maybe this is God's way of teaching us to not procrastinate, but who knows...it could still be weeks away, and it's God's way of teaching us patience! :)

I'll post after my check up tomorrow (unless I'm at L&D again).

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm feeling pregnant....

and Stan always says, "Well, you are!" I've felt pretty good and had energy up until a few days ago, but now I'm just feeling worn out by the end of the day. We had an appointment on Monday afternoon, and I found out why! Baby Pierogie is 6lbs. 8ozs. already! I guess carrying around a baby that big in your belly WOULD tend to wear you out after being on your feet all day with 18 first graders. I had some serious cankles on Monday and am retaining so much water! We have just about 4 more weeks to go before we get to meet our little one, and we can't wait!!!

In other news, we finally finished the nursery! We got a shelf which Stan hung, and we got the crib all made up and ready. Everything is put away and in its place. We have the coming home outfit all picked out...all we need is baby. :)

We are going to the doctor every week now, and we will be having another sonogram in a few weeks just to check the weight and to make sure we can attempt a regular delivery versus a c-section. I will post when something else exciting happens! Enjoy the pictures of the nursery!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hooray for Fudge Rounds!!!

I had an impromptu appointment today because of some discomfort. All is well - the baby kicked the doctor's doppler while he was listening to the heartbeat. :) They checked to make sure my water didn't break and checked to make sure my cervix was closed (it is) since it is a little early for the pierogie to arrive. The doctor said that the pain I was having was because pierogie's head has dropped into my pelvis to get ready for the big event!!!

The other great news I got was that I finally passed my second 3 hour glucose test, so I do not have gestational diabetes. Long live the Fudge Rounds!!!!! I have an ultrasound and an appointment in one week to check the weight of the baby again.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

MD Baby Shower 11/01

I had my shower here in MD on November 1st. It was a ton of fun, and I got to see lots of friends and family. Thanks to all who came to share this time with us!

Mom and New Mommy

Former and Current TRES girls

Teether blanket

Gretchen and I

Rhi and I

Diaper Cake