Monday, May 17, 2010

5 months!

Evan is 5 months old today.  Just tonight, I put away all of his 6 month outfits and got out the 9 month clothes.  His pants were becoming high waters, and the onesies were about to burst at the snaps!  :)  I thought he was going through a growth spurt, but it's been going on for about 3 weeks now!  He is sleeping 6:30pm - 6:30am, and eating 7-8oz each feeding plus solids.  He has really grown, and it seems as though he looks different sometimes when I pick him up at daycare even from that morning! 

Oatmeal continues to be his favorite food.  We've tried sweet potatoes and bananas so far.  He eats a few bites reluctantly and then purses his lips so I can't get anymore of it in (we call this fortress lips).  I thought for sure he would like the bananas we tried...I mean, what kid doesn't like bananas?? BUT, he gagged and acted like I gave him pickle juice.  I even tried to put him in an outfit with a monkey on it, show him a monkey blanket while eating, and make monkey luck though.  Maybe he'll learn to like them??  I guess this weekend, we'll either try carrots or apples.  I hope this doesn't mean he's going to be a picky eater.  He can't only eat oatmeal his whole life! 

On Sunday, Stan umpired for the Special Olympics, and Evan and I went to watch.  It was a beautiful day, and Evan loves watching the games...seriously....he probably could have told you the score, and I, on the other hand, had no idea.  Here are some recent pictures to enjoy!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I love this boy!!

Working is really interfering with my blogging!  In the past month, Evan went to daycare, had his first cold :(, his first cereal :) and his first time watching Daddy play softball!  Evan got a stuffy nose the Thursday after Easter.  I think I called the doctor 3 times that weekend because he was starting daycare that Monday, and I was nervous about him being sick!  Even though it lasted about a week and a half, it didn't get any worse than a stuffy nose and a little bit of a cough.  Poor little guy.  Daycare is going well.  It was a little bit of an adjustment that first week for both of us.  After the first week, that Sunday night was rough.  He was up 4 or 5 times.  He didn't even do that as a newborn, so I was exhausted!  I decided that I couldn't have another night like that.  So that Monday, I decided to do the "pat and shush."  I knew he didn't need to eat, and I didn't want to start a pacifier habit.  When he cried, I waited 5 min, and then went in and patted his belly and shushed until he went back to sleep.  I did that three times that night.  The following night, he only woke up once and was back asleep before the 5 minutes was up.  It has been smooth sailing ever since.  We started putting him to bed earlier because he was just so tired.  He has been sleeping from 6:30 at night until I get him up for the day at 6:30am.  He's 4.5 months old, and he's only had 3 rough nights of sleep.  One was our first night until Mommy and Daddy realized he needed some white noise, one he was sick, and one was the wackadoo night, so we're very blessed!

Evan is loving daycare.  His provider's name is Kelly, and it is just her daughter and Evan.  Her daughter, Kayla, calls Evan HER baby.  :)  She was one in February.  Evan loves watching her run around.  He seems to love it there which makes me very happy!

Yesterday, we went to Daddy's softball game.  Evan was mesmerized by everyone moving around.  I think he paid more attention to the game than I did!  He saw Daddy get two really good hits.  Unfortunately, he also saw Daddy roll his ankle as he crossed home plate which led to him seeing Daddy sit around all day today with ice on his swollen, bruised ankle.  

We started rice cereal on the April 18, and he wasn't too sure at first.  The picture above is when he was getting ready to eat.  I thought it would be a lot messier than it is (but I'm glad it's not).  He started eating that well, so this weekend, we moved to oatmeal.  He didn't eat much yesterday, but tonight when I gave it to him, he LOVED it.  He ate all that I made, so I made a tiny bit more, and then he was still opening his mouth, so I made a little bit more.  It was so cute.  He just about hyperventilated if I wasn't fast enough with the spoon...haha  Overall, I'd say oatmeal was a hit. 

Last weekend, Mema (my mom) came to visit, and even though she just saw Evan at Easter, he had changed so much.  We enjoyed having her here, and Evan loved talking to her.  She also cleaned the whole house while she was here, which was so appreciated.  It's amazing how behind you get on things when you're working full time and have a baby!  

I have 7 1/2 weeks left of school (and I'm definitely counting down!!).  I can't wait until summer when I can be with him every day and we can start seeing our friends from Mommy group each week!  In the meantime,  I'm super busy at work and hoping that passes the time away from him quickly. 

I'll try and post again in the next week or two (we'll see how THAT goes) with more of Evan's adventures!  :)