...that describes me and my blogging skills. This post is dedicated to Mrs. Klinger who kindly pointed out that it has been awhile since I've written. :)
There is too much to catch up on, so I'll give the short version and promise to try harder in the future. :)
Evan's first birthday was great (except for him getting shots). He is 24 1/2 lbs. and 31 inches. He is running everywhere and has a new found love of climbing. He can now climb on the chair and turn around and scoot back off. He has become more vocal although his "words" are still limited to mama, dada, nana and yaya. He has become very interested in books and will bring them over to me and sit in my lap so I can read them to him. He had his first visit to Santa on his birthday, and even though I thought he would cry, he was fine! He even smiled (which we did not catch on camera, of course).
Between Ev's birthday and Christmas, our house looks like a toyland. We have a whole pile we haven't even opened yet that we will save until summer. I will be better about this next year in what we ask for and what we buy him so we don't get an overwhelming amount of gifts. He got a lot of giftcards too, so those are great, and we are saving them for things we need.
In other recent Evan news, he is now pacifier and bottle free. He strictly drinks out of a straw cup. Where did my baby go??? He has started fussing when we put him down, but it only lasts for about 5 minutes, and he goes to sleep. He has been showing us his little personality a lot, and we are loving it. This kid is a ham!!
I don't have pictures from Christmas yet (they are on Stan's computer, and I need to get them), but I will post other pics that I DO have.
Love to all!
Melissa, Stan and Evan