Well, it's been awhile since I've posted, and the main thing that has happened has been that I've gone back to work. I went back on March 29. My mom was here to help with the transition, and she was so helpful! She even cleaned the house and made dinner for us each night. I told her that she made me look like a slacker! :) Evan loved his time with his Mema...so much so that he hardly napped. By the time I got home from work, he was a little less enthusiastic about laying on the floor to play with Mommy.
My first day back was ok. I cried in the morning on my way. When my class went to Media, I called to check on things, and that made it worse, so I didn't call the rest of the week. That afternoon, I got a special delivery of chocolate covered strawberries from Stan and Evan to wish me a good day on my first day back. That brought more waterworks, but it was so nice of Stan to do. I went about 85mph home, and I RAN into the house to hug my little man. Tuesday was the hardest day because I had grad school right after work. I got home just in time to feed him and put him to bed (and that was only because we got out early). That was a rough night for me, and poor Stan did the best he could to comfort me, but there wasn't much he could do. Wednesday and Thursday were a little bit better, and I had Friday and this whole week off for Spring Break. On the 12th, he starts daycare, and that will be another adjustment for us!
Evan has been quite busy being adorable lately....it's a full time job, and it is tiring. He's been sleeping even better than normal (which was great to begin with). Last night he slept from 8:15 - 5:15 (My cracking toes woke him up when I went to check on him this morning). He has also been "talking," laughing and smiling all the time. He is such a happy baby. He's been sitting up more (with assistance) and LOVES his little blankets with the plush animal heads on them. He has been sucking on his fists like crazy, but he will stop to smile at you! He adores his daddy and will follow him around the room with his eyes. If Daddy walks behind him, he tries to arch his back and roll his eyes up to still see him.
He had his 4 month appointment today (even though he's not 4 months for another 12 days). He weighed 14.4 lbs and was 25 3/4 inches long (90th percentile!). He got his shots, and he did well with those. He has been nursing at night AND eating another 7 ounces before bed...he's been SOOO hungry at night. We got the go ahead to start solids once he turns 4 months, so we will be going to get some rice cereal to see if that helps. He has also graduated from being swaddled to a sleep sack at night, and he scoots all over the crib.
He has brought us so much joy, and he is growing so fast. I can't believe that in another week or so, we will be bringing up the high chair and feeding him with a spoon!!! We are absolutely LOVING everything he's doing.
He had another trip to PA for Easter...pictures coming soon!!!
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