Friday, August 5, 2011


I love summer. I love waking up in the sunshine, naps, playing with Evan all day and impromptu trips to Target. I love Target almost as much as I love summer.

We went to the beach for vacation this year, and Evan loved the water. He went out in the waves with his Daddy while Mommy nervously looked on from the beach cause she doesn't like weird stuff touching her feet. Evan also had some Kohr's ice cream, and he rode rides on the boardwalk in OC, NJ. We had a great time. I do have to say that going to the actual beach is a little overrated with a 19 month old. Surprisingly, it's not as relaxing as you'd think, but we dutifully hauled 300 lbs. of gear down there for 90 minutes of pure beach fun! Evan liked the sand - playing in it AND eating it - but it only held his attention for so long. He had no fear and would have made a beeline into the water if one of us wasn't on Evan-duty!

In other news, before we went to the beach, Evan and I went to the allergist. We both tested NEGATIVE for seasonal allergies (although she said it wouldn't surprise her if Evan actually had them). So he's staying on Zyrtec, and we will try to take him off of it again in a few weeks to see if he's ok (he got a super runny nose while he was off of it for the testing at the office). He's also allergic to eggs. He eats things with eggs in them, he just doesn't seem to do well with scrambled eggs/omelet type items. He even had French Toast and was fine with that, so hopefully he will outgrow it. She said most kids do.

Although Evan's vocabulary is not "typical" of his age, he's really trying, and he's learning new words all the time. And thank goodness for sign language so we know what he means in the meantime! The cutest thing about his emerging words is that he says thank you (da do) every single time you give him something, and if he sees that you have something he wants, he says peeeeeeeeeeee (please). He's so cute when he does it that you HAVE to oblige!

My summer vacation is coming to the end. It's almost time for my annual "week of mourning" where I stay in my pajamas and watch as much daytime tv as I can cram in. Evan has no idea what fun that week will be for him. :)

Pics are on Stan's computer...hopefully I'll get some up soon!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had fun at the beach and I agree that going with a little one doesn't always make the trip relaxing. I like to get my tan on but it's so hard when I have to keep a little one from eating sand! We are going this year for a few days and although Alex is the at the age where she will really enjoy it (and know NOT to eat sand) we are also taking Camden.....who probably will be hanging out in a tent all day. Fun!
